Exercise 4: Video Editing

I want to first start out by saying that my video was unable to upload to YouTube, so unfortunately I am unable to insert the link to this post. However, learning how to use Premier and making these videos in and out of class has given me a lot of knowledge in video editing. I honestly had a very small amount prior and now I feel a lot more comfortable making, editing, and using videos, it is a great skill to have! So enough of that, let me introduce the video I made. I used the videos we were provided in class and an audio clip from YouTube. I was able to combine them and add the audio easily. The mark-in/out portion was extremely easy to do now with the practice I have acquired in class.

The videos are about Greyhounds and the audio clip I used from YouTube was dog toys squeaking. I chose this because Greyhounds seem like huge dogs that are just like any other hound, but they are really lovable and playful so the sounds fit!


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